Warpath : Combat Drills

Warpath : Combat Drills


Combat Drills Event Warpath. Combat drills event lasts for 2 days. You have to complete a mission to get points. You will get a medal if the points are sufficient, for example a gold medal requires 750k points



This event prizes many items such as gold, universal coupons, rush items, ammunition, components and resources.

  • Warlord medal (1,100k points) : components x400, military funds x 300k, steel x 300k and crude oil x 300k
  • Gold medal (750k points) : optional Silver parts x24, military funds x 300k, steel x 300k and crude oil x 300k
  • Platinum medal (400k points) : Ammunition x1200. military funds x 300k, steel x 300k and crude oil x 300k
  • Silver medal (200k points) :universal coupon x 8, military funds x 300k, steel x 300k and crude oil x 300k
  • Bronze (72k points) : 60 min rush x13, military funds x 300k, steel x 300k and crude oil x 300k
  • Iron (24k points) : gold x800,military funds x 300k, steel x 300k and crude oil x 300k



Warpath Combat Drills guide tutorial

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