Viking Rise | Viking Reign Simple Guide

Viking Rise | Viking Reign Simple Guide

In the strategy game Viking Rise, players take control of a Viking empire. Similar to other strategy games, actively completing various events is one way to quickly obtain a large number of free stuff and resources.
The Viking Reign event is one of the game’s events in Viking Rise. Viking Reign is a five-day event that is separated into five stages, each of which lasts one day.

  • Stage 1: Develop Infrastructure Buildings and Researching
  • Stage 2: Defeat the enemies
  • Stage 3: Arming the Troops
  • Stage 4: Resource Procurement
  • Stage 5: Plunderers Feast

Stage 1: Develop Infrastructure (Buildings and Researching)

Increasing might by 1 through Building or researching give you 10 points.

Stage 2: Defeat the enemies (Niflungs hunt)

Rally Niflung leaders gives more points by consuming less energy but it takes more time

Defeat 1 Niflungs (50 energy) of any level score 1500 points
Defeat 1 Niflung Leaders (150 energy) of any level Score 6000 points

Stage 3: Arming the Troops (Training and Upgrading Troop)

Increase might by 1 training or Promote troop give you 10 points. but higher tier always give highest might. Use Hall of Valor Divination buff’s (Increases Training Capacity, Training Speedup and Training consumption to use less resources for training/promoting troops). Using Temples or Towers Rune boost’s (Training speed) if available will give you extra speed advantage.

Stage 4: Resource Procurement (Resources Gathering)

Gathering 50 Food on the map gives 1 point, 50 Lumber = gives 1 point , 35 Stone gives 1 point , 25 Gold gives 1 point. Gather rss inside your tribe territory for fast gathering

Stage 5: Plunderers Feast (Kill Troops PvP / KE )

Kill or heavily wound enemies to earn points. The higher the tier of troops, the more points you get. Prepare a shield to use when you can’t go online.

  • Kill / Heavily wound two T2 = 1 point
  • Kill / Heavily wound two T3 = 2 Ppoin
  • Kill / Heavily wound two T4 = 3 point
  • Kill / Heavily wound two T5 = 4 Point
  • Kill / Heavily wound two T6 = 6 Point
  • Kill / Heavily wound two T7 = 10 Point

Event Rewards

The prizes you get from this event are Verdandi shards, Gems, blessed soulstone, speedup, resources

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