Quest from Julia and Seno in Citampi Stories

Quest from Julia and Seno in Citampi Stories

Quest from Julia and Seno in Citampi Stories

In the June 2024 Citampi Stories update, an update will be added to the story of Elder Sen’s death and also Seno’s past story. Julia and Seno will give you a quest and you have to find new items to complete the quest.

The following are the items needed for Julia & Seno’s quest and how to get them

Metal pipe = steel plate + wire in the smelter

Walkie Talkie = battery + wire + electronic circuit on the Workbench

Name tag necklace = glass + wire on the Workbench

Lathe = machine gear + metal bar + nuts and bolts

Flashlight = metal pipe + battery + light bulb on the Workbench

Assembled laptop = electronic circuit + 2 broken phones + steel plate + nuts and bolts on the Workbench

Steel shovel = metal pipe + steel plate + nails + wire on the Workbench

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